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Aldi Australia's popular sleeping bag onesie returns to shelves

페이지 정보

작성자 Glenna Eastham


Aldi Australia is dropping an affordable range of camping gear perfect for outdoor Easter adventures - and it's bringing back a fan favourite. 

Shoppers will soon again be able to get their hands on the popular Sleeping Bag 'OneZ' which has been a sell-out item in previous years. 

The wearable sleeping bag is $49.99 and will be available as part of the retailer's Happy Campers Special Buys sale launching on Saturday, March 16. 

Each year eager customers wait for the iconic buy to hit the shelves again. Those hoping to score will need to be quick as they usually sell out in a matter of hours 

The 'OneZ' comes in three colours - black, pink and blue - and three sizes - small, medium and large - and features a reversible design, removable feet and fleece-lined pockets. 

Aldi Australia is relaunching its mega-popular wearable sleeping bag. The cosy $50 onesie has sold out in a matter of hours when released in previous years

The sale also includes a variety of camping essentials including the $499 dual-zone portable fridge freezer or the cast iron cookware set for just $119.99

For $149 customers can get the Instant Up four-person tent as well as a pack of premium tent pegs to keep everything in place for $9.99

The sale also includes a variety of camping essentials and outdoor accessories from chairs, tents, sleeping bags and even a night vision camera.

Keep warm in the $59.99 waterproof three-in-one jacket or the Adult's Snuggle hoodie for $39.99 both in men's and women's sizes. 

For $149 customers can get the Instant Up four-person tent as well as a pack of premium tent pegs to keep everything in place for $9.99. 

Sleep easy with the $24.99 sleeping bags or the camp quilt with a water repellent coating for $69.99

Explore your surrounds with spotting scope with stand for $79.99, $159 night vision with infrared technology to see in the dark and the $149 nightlife camera to capture visiting critters

Being without your kitchen doesn't need to be a bother with the $499 dual-zone portable fridge freezer or the cast iron cookware set, including a Dutch oven, fry pan and double jaffle iron, all for Emura Pfanne Fake just $19.99. 

Also among the deals is the Byron Bay camp chair for $29.999 and a pack of Canvas storage bags in three different sizes for $19.99. 


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